The Key Acupuncture Points to Infertility Treatment
Continuation from the previous post.
Is Acupuncture Effective for Infertility?
The targets of acupuncture treatment for infertility is improving the quality of the eggs, enhancing uterine and ovarian function, creating an environment conducive to implantation and promoting the growth of the foetus after implantation.
Let’s explore how representative acupuncture points, used in treating infertility, contribute to the overall therapeutic process.

Fertility treatment is based on eliminate all pressure pain at the abdomen, neck and back to ensure free flow of Qi and Blood. The most common findings are hormonal imbalances, structural imbalance of the lower back, sacrum, hip and pelvis as well as vascular compression at the inner thigh.
Liao point

In clinical practice, common is the presentation of a cold sacrum, cold lower abdomen and cold limbs. In this case, it is important to address vascular compressions in the inner thigh, in addition to directly stimulating the lower abdomen and the Liao points using methods such as acupuncture and moxibustion.
The major nerve structures behind the Liao points (Bl31-34) include the sacral plexus (which merges with lumbar sympathetic trunk to become the sciatic nerve) which control organs such as the uterus within the pelvic region. Therefore, if there is structural imbalance in the sacrum, it naturally affects the pelvic area within the nerve control domain, potentially resulting in infertility.
Addressing the sacral Liao points is crucial when treating individuals experiencing infertility and exhibiting a cold abdomen. Such patients are commonly identified with insufficient blood in the pelvic region or inadequate circulation in the lower abdominal area. Typically, the chilly abdomen is linked to fertility issues.
The second and third Liao points are indicated for any gynecology problems especially those associated with estrogen and progesterone imbalance. The sacral Liao points are also instrumental in the treatment of fibroids, cysts and endometriosis in the pelvic cavity.

Sp6 is one of the essential points for the treatment of Blood vitality related problems. This is the meeting point of the Spleen, Liver and Kidney.
A presentation of a cold abdomen may come from a vascular compression of the inner thigh. Therefore, it is important to clear vascular compressions at the inner thigh.
There are many possible causes for inner thigh compression, including detoxification and overeating. Select the appropriate meridian from the spleen and kidney meridian areas based on sp6 on the inner lower leg to relieve vascular compression in the inner thigh.

BI2 is used for the diagnosis and treatment of pituitary imbalances. This is very important for all diseases and complaints associated with hormonal problems. Bl2 regulates abnormalities in the pituitary, thereby normalizing the secretion of hormones involved in pregnancy such as GnRh (gonadotropin-releasing hormone), LH (luteinizing hormone) and E2 (estradiol). Various gynecological disorders and complaints are also improved.
Also an important part of the presentation is stress. In some cases, emotional stress can cause infertility, in other cases, it is a result of it. Either way, stress blocks the benefit of any treatments. BL2 is effective as a treatment to suppress sympathetic nervous system activity, reducing stress and promoting overall well-being.
Our approach to treatment involves empathetically addressing your challenges and collaboratively finding solutions. Please feel free to visit us at your convenience.
Japanese Acupuncture Vihara is associated with KAB and Nederlandse Vereniging voor Traditionele Chinese Geneeskunde Zhong, and many insurance providers offer reimbursement for acupuncture costs, depending on your individual insurance plan. We recommend reaching out to your health insurance company for specific details.
Click here for a list of health care insurers that cover acupuncture: Health insurance reimbursement 2024.
If you lack additional healthcare coverage, don’t hesitate to seek acupuncture treatment. Remember, your health is an investment, not an expense. It would be a fortunate outcome if acupuncture can demonstrate its complementary value to modern medical treatments and become a guiding light for patients enduring chronic suffering.
Reference List
Kiiko Matsumoto’s Clinical Strategies
In The Spirit Of Master Nagano