An Introduction to Acupuncture
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
Acupuncture needles are very thin, and almost all people feel no pain when they are inserted. Needles give you a unique stimulation that is very pleasant and not painful. Patients say they feel relaxed after the treatment. Needling in Japanese acupuncture is renowned for gentle, painless and stress-free treatments. Moreover, needles made with state-of-the-art Japanese technology make it possible easier. I mainly use dia 0.14-0.18mm sterile and disposable acupuncture needles made from highest quality stainless. All needles used for treatment are made in Japan.

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There are the risks of using many needles at once, therefore I understand the nature of acupuncture points how each treatment affects the body and use a small number of needles to achieve results. And there is no medicine on the needles.

What conditions are commonly treated by acupuncture?
Modern research has demonstrated acupuncture’s effects on the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, musculoskeletal system, digestive system, nervous system, endocrine and immune systems, etc. A number of clinical studies on the benefits of acupuncture show that it successfully treats conditions such as orthopaedic problems (lower back pain, sciatica and others), digestive issue, dysautonomia, general malaise, insomnia and infertility.
What is the benefits of acupuncture?
- Acupuncture does not treat just symptoms.
Modern medicine is primarily concerned with local repair such as medication, surgery etc. Oriental medicine, on the other hand, great emphasis on treating the root causes that have created the problem, rather than on single symptoms. Acupuncture stimulates the body’s own natural healing better with holistic approach. For example, some shoulder stiffness can be treated with local treatment, but in many cases the problem is not caused by local areas, e.g. due to autonomic imbalance, endocrine and immune disorder, visceroptosis, etc. Instead of focusing only on symptoms, the cause of the problem should be pursued and treatment adapted to each problem.

I see the human body like a tree.
- Acupuncture is completely natural.
A patient with knee pain goes to an orthopaedic surgeon, is given an injection and medicine. Her stomach hurts after she takes it, so she next goes to a gastroenterologist. There she is given other medication, and when she takes it, she develop a drug rash, so she goes to a dermatologist, who also gave her some medication to take. Then she has an extreme fatigue and start to have a fear and anxiety about too much medication. We see often such cases on a daily basis. Drug therapies and Invasive procedures that are often used in modern medicine cause undesirable side effects and severe trauma to your body cause further physical and mental problems. It is common that the pain worsens after surgery or that the patient has to undergo re-operation. In contrast, acupuncture is no serious side effects and totally safe treatment.

- Multiple conditions can be treated in one session.
According to many studies, one in four adults living in developed countries have at least two chronic conditions. Western medicine diagnoses and treats illness based on its symptoms and often treats each disease separately. If that segmented medical treatment were integrated, the problem would be somewhat reduced, but the current situation is not, as mentioned in the story of side effects. Oriental Medicine, on the other hands, believes that everything within the body is interconnected. Our philosophy is to identify the imbalance responsible for their multiple symptoms rather than looking at one symptom at a time. This holistic approach can lead to treatments that offer relief of multiple conditions and systems at once.

- Acupuncture is Preventive Medicine
We suggest regular treatments to everyone, not only as reactive treatments once someone was sick or injured. Through this treatment of correcting autonomic and endocrine imbalance and strengthening the immune system, acupuncture functions as a highly effective preventive medicine, meaning it helps our body function at its best, which supports it in fighting off illnesses before they start or recovering more quickly from injuries when they do occur. In recent years, dominated by topic of death and disease, preventive medicine feels all the more pressing. It can be hard to think about our health until it is a problem, when we actively invest in our own health prevent illness and injury, which can end up leading to a greatly improved quality of life.

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